Am Dickhäuterplatz 16
76275 Ettlingen
Please enter your name
Please enter cour company name
Please enter your position
Please enter your email
Please enter your phone number
Please choose your Lernkino
Please choose at least one event
Yes, I have read the privacy policy and agree to it.
Please check this checkbox to continue.
During the event, photographs will be taken by the staff of mybreev GmbH. The photographs taken will be used for documentation, post-event reporting, and the promotion of future events (for example, on the website, the Lernkino page, in print media, and on social networks). If you do not agree to being photographed, please inform the photographer accordingly. Detailed privacy notices are available on-site.
We would like to point out that we use your personal data for the purpose of informing you about our Lernkino events.